Last Dance With Mary Jane. . .

•June 6, 2008 • 2 Comments

. . .one more time to kill the pain.  Here we are, on the knife’s edge, and our nation still has not surrendered the foolish, solipsistic fantasies of left-wing liberalism.  Too many people still want to be hippies at Woodstock, so high on their fatuous “ideals” that they don’t notice they’re covered in mud and have a vicious case of the clap.  Delusions are fun while they last, but they are indulged at a steep price.  That price is high enough when you’re paying for your own mistakes, but it becomes unspeakable when 300 million other people are saddled with the cost.

It doesn’t take much to be a prophet in today’s America: if one has their eyes open at all, that is.  I am no Merlin, but I remember thinking on the day after 9/11, “This won’t be enough.”  Then, for a time, I thought I was wrong.  I really wish I had been.

So, Obama is the Democratic nominee for President.  The mainstream media and most Democrats are currently convulsing with orgasms brought on by a black man being nominated for the highest office in the land.  As a conservative who actually loves my country—as opposed to liberals who pretend to love America but who almost die of shock at any sign of decency in the U.S.—I am not surprised by such an event.  What vexes me is that such a blatantly unqualified black man is the one to reach that particular milestone.   What has this guy ever, ever done to prepare him to lead the free world (shrinking as it is)?  Swells of emotion and brilliant speaking skills don’t cut it.

As a graduate of several highIy esteemed and selective universities, it always burned and embarrassed me to see obviously unqualified minorities being floated through on the wave of affirmative action.  It burned me because it was unfair.  It embarrassed me because of the way it stained deserving blacks I knew, who made grades and got degrees by working hard and being really freakin’ smart.  But that was school, and as frustrating as it was, no lives were at stake when some kid got a free pass from politically correct admissions officers. 

This is different: it’s the presidency of the United States we’re talking about.  This is no time to elect an affirmative action President, but it appears that America is on the verge of doing just that, and anyone who thinks it won’t happen is kidding themselves. Just watch the salivating throngs at one of Obama’s speeches. 

Ironically, I don’t think for one second that Obama’s previous achievements resulted from affirmative action.  He’s clearly an extremely bright man with a shockingly charismatic personality, and one of the best orators I’ve ever heard (although he doesn’t ever say anything, but still…breathtaking).  When I look at Obama, I see someone who has most definitely earned everything he has up to this point.  The problem is, he isn’t qualified to be President.  Yet he will almost certainly be elected to that office come November.

This is frightening.  America no longer has the option of fucking around; i.e., electing our leaders to punish incumbents, or because someone talks pretty, always thinking we can come out on top in case we vote for the wrong guy.  Iran is thiiiiiis close to getting the bomb.  The rest of the West is in freefall, politically and demographically, under the white-hot pressure of Islamic immigrants who have no qualms about imposing their “values” on a society they rightly judge as on the edge of suicide: a culture no longer willing to defend itself against its challengers.  Mark Steyn is on trial in Canada for pointing out that very fact, which is so far the best proof we have that Western civilization is a conspirator in its own demise.  And we are about to elect Barack Obama President?  One more dance with Mary Jane, but this time, the school gym is on fire. Is this really the time to be electing a token President?

What does Obama think will happen if he conducts condition-free diplomatic negotiations with Iran?  What is there to negotiate with an Islamofascistic regime that swears with every breath that it will not stop until Israel and the U.S. are wiped off the map?  I suggest a reading of the latest by Thomas Sowell: scary stuff.

I’m all for having a black President, if he (or she) has had executive experience, knows something about foreign policy, and hasn’t buddied around with segregationist race-baiters and terrorists his entire political career and then lied about it.  In other words, a black person who might actually be qualified for the job.  In other words, not Barack Obama.  I don’t care how pretty he talks.

Like I said, now is no time to be fucking around and congratulating ourselves for being “tolerant” enough to elect an affirmative action President.  Oh well, time to have a drink.  Spitting into the wind makes a girl thirsty.

Harvard Law School: The New Community College

•May 26, 2008 • 3 Comments

I say that because, if this Harvard Law Review Note is any indication, HLS doesn’t require much from its top students in the way of reasoned, informed adult thinking: just glittering childhood fantasies and a posture of preening condescension.   [Note to non-lawyers: Law Review is supposedly the Winner’s Circle of law school.]

There’s a lot to take issue with, so I’m just going to pick this pathetic excuse for scholarship apart at a few key points.  First: aren’t you required to do, like, research when you write a Law Review note?  From page 20:

Law students may be quick to argue that . . . they face the prospect of enormous debt.  But the point about debt is merely another version of the argument for making lots of money.  Debt is nothing more than a monthly payment–it can thus be thought of as a portion out of your salary.  Suppose you choose a public interest job that pays $4,800 per month.  If you debt payments are $500 per month, then your monthly earnings become $4,300.  On an annual scale, that debt turns a $57,000 yearly salary into a $51,000 yearly salary.

Clearly, the author has never had a real job.  First, debt does not exist only as an index of a person’s ambitions for income, and it is not something that will vanish like a child’s closet boogeyman when the light of “progressive thinking” is shined upon it.  Student loan debt is a huge sacrifice that law students make in order to be a part of the legal profession, and for those of us without an allowance from Mummy and Daddy, debt absolutely dictates many of the career decisions we make. 

Second, there are other expenses to be considered besides student debt.  Since our author is talking about a public interest job, the $4800-per-month salary they’re contemplating ($57,600 yearly) surely must be before taxes.  A person earning $57,600 a year is going to pay about 25% of their income in taxes, right off the top (not counting state taxes).  That leaves our public interest attorney with $44,928 per year, or $3744 per month.

The (Harvard Law Review!) note author then hypothesizes a monthly student loan debt of $500.  In your dreams, bitch.  If you attend a private law school–like, say, Harvard–on loans, you’ll owe at least $1100 per month in loan payments.  I speak from personal, present experience.  So that leaves our hypothetical public interest lawyer with $2,644 per month.

Well, then you have rent, utilities, the inevitable cell phone and/or Blackberry (actual necessities for practicing attorneys), car payment, car insurance, food, and let’s not forget gas/transportation expenses.  Not a lot left after all that, and God forbid our public interest attorney has a family to support. 

So what have we learned from the prim moral lecture of our little Harvard snotnose?  That you don’t have to be very bright to go to Harvard Law School.

Wait, didn’t Michelle Obama go there?   

I Remember This.

•May 23, 2008 • Leave a Comment

“One two three four five, six seven eight nine ten, eleven twelve!”

Right on!

People, Pay Attention

•May 21, 2008 • Leave a Comment

The Queen is about to share with you the greatest onscreen dance scene in the history of cinema.  Yes, the disco prom-night dance of Jamie Lee Curtis from the original “Prom Night.”  Bitches, if you don’t soak in this brilliance that has been given to you so generously, well, you suck.

Fucking amazing.

Idol Finals

•May 21, 2008 • 1 Comment

Damn job.  Damn it.  I missed the first hour.

But I turned it on in time to see my #1 boyfriend, Robert Downey Jr., dancing backup to “Midnight Train to Georgia.”  He needs to stop with his hot ass, that rascal. 

There are two other dudes up there dancing too.  Let me tear my eyes away for just a nanosecond….meh, Jack Black and Ben Stiller.  Get out of my baby’s shot, you clowns.

Carrie Underwood, what are you wearing?  It looks like she raided Andre Leon Talley’s closet but done forgot the pants.  She is singing about being a ho, having a one-night stand with some dude whose last name she doesn’t know.  Et tu, Carrie?  I’m not impressed.

OH!  George Michael singing “Praying for Time.”  He is shady as hell, but folks, that is one amazing song.  Go, George.  If you want a killer performance of this song, go hereThe sound isn’t perfect, but good enough to tell that his vocals are amazing.  It gets insane around 2:40. 

And, the results. . . finally . . .

YAY!!!!  David Cook.  


Bad News

•May 20, 2008 • Leave a Comment

This article is a little maudlin, but I agree with the general sentiment.  I don’t agree with Senator Ted Kennedy about anything, as far as I know.  But I hate to hear that he has been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor, man.  I will be praying for him, and I hope everyone else will too.  He’s a stubborn, tough old SOB, so if anyone can defeat such an invader, it would be him.

Yowza! Hillary, We Hardly Knew Ye

•May 18, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Apparently, Hillary Clinton had a little side career going back in her Arkansas days:

In case you were not aware of Stairway to Stardom, well, now you are.  Do yourself a favor: get on Youtube and type in “Stairway to Stardom.”  Hours of fun, people.  There truly is a God, and His fingerprints are all over STS. 

My other favorite STS performance (for now):

Other talented STS performers who have awed and inspired me:

Precious Taft and her devastatingly moving monologue.  “if that child existed now, I’d bash his brains against the god**** radiator!”

Reason to Live” performing “Funky Groove” and giving me—you guessed it—a reason to live

Michelle Sutlovich boogying to “Fame.”  Work that fringe, Slutovich!

The most busted puppet show of all time:  Eileen Heyman

Rich Halke trying to be funny ha-ha about pot smokers in New York, and rocking the shit out of his high-waisted bellbottoms and 70’s hairdo.   No haterism, mind you.  I’d hit it.

If the Shoe Fits. . .Then Stick It Up Your Ass, B. Hussein Obama

•May 16, 2008 • 1 Comment

The Democrats have their didies in a twist and are throwing their creamed peas all over Momma’s clean floor because Bush had the temerity, the audacity, to say this to the legislature of the most beleaguered, endangered democracy in the world:

There are good and decent people who cannot fathom the darkness in these men [i.e., radical Muslim leaders and nations] and try to explain away their words. It’s natural, but it is deadly wrong. As witnesses to evil in the past, we carry a solemn responsibility to take these words seriously. Jews and Americans have seen the consequences of disregarding the words of leaders who espouse hatred. And that is a mistake the world must not repeat in the 21st century.

Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along. We have heard this foolish delusion before. As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared: “Lord, if I could only have talked to Hitler, all this might have been avoided.” We have an obligation to call this what it is–the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history.

Some people suggest if the United States would just break ties with Israel, all our problems in the Middle East would go away. This is a tired argument that buys into the propaganda of the enemies of peace, and America utterly rejects it.

Elder statesman Joe Biden called these remarks “bullshit.”  How so, Mr. Biden?  William Edgar Borah actually did say that when Hitler invaded Poland, and he was a damn fool for saying it.  History has proven that dialogue with madmen is, at best, a waste of time and energy, and at worst, an invitation to attack.  So why are Bush’s comments “bullshit?”  I suspect the bullshit will actually be contained in the oh-so-eloquent, utterly meaningless speech/comment Obama is rumored to be working up in rebuttal to Bush’s speech.   Sorry, Obama.  Tongue baths are for cats (and brainless liberals who think with their feelings, of course). 

Now, I know I’m just a dumb conservative Christian from Arkansas, but how was Bush’s speech an attack on B. Hussein Obama or the Democratic Party—unless, of course, they really believe in what Bush was condemning?  Bush was describing a dangerously naive attitude towards Islamic terrorism that is shared by most of the West, including at least half of the political leaders in the United States.  Bush was articulating a foreign policy position that rejects the notion that bloodthirsty maniacs can be reasoned with, or should be treated as reasonable actors who merely disagree with us on an issue that requires negotiation.  And Bush was addressing Israel, the country that understands far better than any other democracy the deadly threat posed by Iran and other Islamic kookocracies. 

If someone at work, at church, wherever, made strong statements condemning promiscuous behavior, I can’t imagine being offended and defensive unless I were a whore, in which case I’m sure I’d be flustered and pissy and dismayed that someone was calling me out on my behavior.  If the Democrats are not, in fact, appeasing whores just waiting for the chance to kiss some Islamist ass, then why are they so tied up in knots over Bush’s speech? 

Rhetorical questions, I admit it.  The reason they’re all pitching their little bitch fit is absolutely because Bush’s comments–although not aimed at them–exposed their views as cowardly and, in light of history, inexcusably naive.  Somebody call the waaaaaaahmbulance.

Another thing: how unfathomably narcissistic can the Democrats be?  Did it ever occur to them that maybe, just maybe, the entire world does not revolve around the ascension of their false messiah, Mr. B. Hussein Obama?  Did they ever stop to think that perhaps Bush’s comments were about Israel, a nation fighting constantly just to survive; a general principle that has been proven correct over and over again in history, and many times in the past century alone; or a foreign policy position that Bush believes strongly in and was advocating as the President?  Bush’s comments were perfectly relevant in any speech concerning terrorism, in any location he might’ve made the comments, and for any audience he might be trying to reach.  Especially considering the fact that Iran’s “president” Ahmadinejad threatens to destroy Israel every time a microphone is put in his face. 

Could we be any more September 10th? 

Oh, and also: Obama, Biden & Co. didn’t seem to have much of a problem with Bill Clinton bashing Bush in public speeches, or Jimmy Carter cozying up to Hamas in “diplomatic peace talks” (which, proving Bush’s point precisely, went nowhere).  Clearly, the Democrats think Americans are too stupid to notice the glaring realities I just pointed out in this post.  I guess we’ll find out in November if they’re right.

AND, one more thing: even if Bush was criticizing the American Democratic Party, what of it?  Since when is it unacceptable to candidly, aggressively attack the ideology and policy positions of one’s political opponents? 

Ah, Yes. What Every Classy Lady Looks For.

•May 16, 2008 • 6 Comments

Oh, when I dream of meeting my Prince Charming, I feel certain that he will have invested in this enticing accessory:

That’s right: “Truck Nutz.”  I saw a truck adorned with this mighty symbol of virility, this sure-fire sign of manliness, whilst on my way to work this morning.  Needless to say, I swooned immediately, and almost perished in traffic.  Too much sexiness.

In all seriousness, guys, your balls are the LEAST attractive thing about you.  I don’t even want to look at the nads of my boyfriends Johnny Depp, Russell Crowe, or Mark Wahlberg.  In fact, if my beloved River were still alive, I would not even want to look at his.  So I most definitely do not want to be mind-raped by the unwelcome image of some sweaty redneck’s knackers. 


•May 12, 2008 • Leave a Comment

The warning before Sweeney Todd (I just got the DVD) says “Warning: Graphic Bloody Violence.” 

I’d say!

I don’t think I’ve ever seen that particular warning before. . .