Nashville’s Reese Witherspoon

Ok, I get it now.  At first I thought, feh! I spit on you, Carrie Underwood!  But she won me over.  I like her somewhat odd voice: it’s a legitimate Country voice, and she’s a legitimate country girl.  She’s adorable, sweet, and unpretentious, and her hits thus far have all been good songs.  Also, she reminds me of. . .   

  Carrie Underwood 

. . .my girl Reese Witherspoon.  They look like twins.

 Reese Witherspoon        I’m not even going to get started on Miss Reese–suffice it to say that she rules.  Blondes get too much praise as a rule, in my opinion, but I gotta give praise where it’s due: Hurray for these two formidable blondes!!  

~ by lewdandlascivious on March 8, 2007.

7 Responses to “Nashville’s Reese Witherspoon”

  1. Just admit it, Legally Blonde was the reason you decided to go to Law School.

  2. Haha! Actually, it was Law & Order. And the idea that one day, I too could spend days examining chicken documents. No one reading this will understand what the hell I’m talking about, which I guess means we are the 2 members of a very loser-y club. 🙂

  3. For me, it was Legally Blonde. Sadly. Had it been something about business school, I’d have an MBA now. 🙂

    You’re talking about the “what is a chicken?” case, right?

  4. Haha, no….the first poster is an Arkansas law student I worked with. I was referring to work we did together once. 🙂

    But what is this “what is a chicken” case? I’m intrigued.

  5. I have to admit that I thought Legally Blonde was a terrific movie. My girls have watched it countless times. Never saw the 2nd one . . . I heard it wasn’t as good.

  6. The second one featured Reese as a much flakier girl.

    I mentioned Legally Blonde to my test-prep class as a motivational movie. They all laughed at me. One told me that it wasn’t realistic. I said that it was motivational, which is all that matters.

    A – you didn’t do the chicken case in Contracts? A company ordered chickens and didn’t like the ones they received – fryers v. broilers (I think). So they sued and said that they got the wrong kind of chicken.

  7. I totally agree about Legally Blonde–I love that movie, and find it surprisingly inspiring, too (I credit that to the terrific performance of Miss Reese, who makes Elle Woods a lovable and interesting character). The ONLY part I don’t like is the “bend and snap” scene. . .gag. Still, one of the few comedies out there that is hilarious and not drenched in cynicism and sex: that makes it an instant classic for me!
    The second one is disappointing, but I do love the Gay Dog storyline; it appeals to my inner queen.

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